Compozitor, textier, orchestrator si interpret al propriilor piese – un artist complet

Mia Gold lanseaza un nou single de pe albumul “Element 79” – “Leopardo”

Controversata artista Mia Gold revine cu o schimbare totala de stil, cu ocazia lansarii celui mai recent single al sau – “Leopardo”, extras de pe viitorul sau album – “Element 79” ( nume derivat din simbolul aurului in tabelul lui Mendeleev – elementul numarul 79). Totodata, aceasta este si primul single al artistei a carei compozitie ii apartine integral – daca pana acum de orchestratiile pieselor  se ocupau Alex Toma si Mihaela Cernea, de data aceasta Mia s-a ocupat personal de productia negativelor, in studioul nostru, o consecinta fireasca a experientei acumulate de-a lungul a celor catorva single-uri lucrate impreuna, dar si a faptului ca a inceput sa isi creioneze propria identitate artistica.

Credite studio inregistrari productie mixaj masterizare
Mia Gold – Leopardo [Element 79] – productie, inregistrari, mix, master
Unul dintre lucrurile pe care le-am apreciat la ea este curajul de a fi original intr-o industrie a formulelor prestabilite – Mia Gold petrecere o mare parte din timp in fata pianului, compunand si scriind versuri, incercand variante de linii melodice, variante de armonizare a acestora – si toate acestea ii dau credibilitate, ii ofera acea identitate care te face sa ii recunosti piesele de la primul vers – intr-o lume a retetelor recomandate de case de discuri, oameni de radio sau alti detinatori ai “adevarului absolut”, cand, de fapt, realitatea ii contrazice cu fiecare piesa iesita din tipare care devine virala tocmai prin indrazneala abordarii ei.

Mia este genul de artist dedicat total muzicii – isi petrece ore in sir scriind versuri si armonizand linii melodice vocale cu pianul,  iar in studioul de inregistrari este o perfectionista – dupa ce primeste draftul de mixaj si mastering, asculta piesa zile in sir si revine in studio pentru a rafina sound-ul pana la ultimele detalii pe partea de productie muzicala.

De artwork s-a ocupat Maria Zurbagiu (merithezu pe instagram) –


Versuri Mia Gold – Leopardo

Pentru cei carora le place sa asculte o piesa cu versurile in fata:

New York to London F#$% the Bonton

Lemme hear that shotgun, trap on

We in trouble or we on the run

Leopardo movement has begun Pull up in my brand new whip

Pull up on yo street I drift

Get in my way y’all get slit

All the way on that leopardo ish Leopardo ish Leopardo ish

She pop a xan and she filmed me on Snapchat

She pop a 3 and she sent me on Snapchat

Leopardo member you think imma allow that

Ya wreck yoself over a holdback, a setback

We gonna comeback Trap on the top of a stack

Pyramid stacks Off in a Cadillac

Never catch me off guard get off the bar

Imma go nascar in a jaguar remind me who u are, get outta my radar

Mils on a streak Everyday all week Designers on fleek

All the way on that leopardo movement ish

Everyday all week I get mils on a streak

Designers on fleek Leopardo ish leopardo ish

You think that we playin Break it to you I was never even in your game

Got sins in your bloodstream you be sayin

That you a saint Never took flight on nobody

Always on my business and my business only

Staying on the low staying lowkey I get

Chorus  She pop a xan and she filmed me on snapchat I call up on the gang,

I sent em on snapchat Our sacks be heavy yours lighter than a aerostat Ion let no i wont let nobody hold us back

Bi#$hes we are back Trappin, could you top that? look at my stack!

Ion hold my breath for you a thot My bite that shit lethal

F@#$ me over then want a feature We done we go beast mode

We on that hype beast mode They be in my way tryina stop me

After 19years ima not give a damn no more bout no body

Imma stop only when im a dead body 79 in the ground buried in my Audi

Everybody say Im young but I feel dead already

Makin music it’s the only thing that’s got any chance to save me

Don’t remember much cause traumatic minds erase it

Don’t got no one by my side I’m on my own and aim it

Drain my blood n run with my racks in ya basket

Thought you everythan might aswell putyoun a casket

Now yon lockdown stashing toafford the things I’m flexing

You wasn’t even on the map now I’m on yo ass like brexit

Out with the toxic in with the fendi Out with your toxic skrrr in that bentley

Get that guap bi@#h I’m up pull up on the block

Don’t need no glock Yall get knifed like f@#k them opps I pull up in a brand new whip

Pull up on yo street I drift Get in my way yall get slit All the way on that Leopardo ish