“Airborne” – Trap cu sound occidental despre care nu ai spune ca e facut in Romania

Despre Mia Gold putem spune cu siguranta ca este unul dintre cei mai avangardisti artisti cu care am avut placerea sa colaboram. Daca in “Leopardo” isi testa flow-ul cu sectiuni de rap intercalate cu refrene melodice, cu “Airborne” accentueaza sound-ul de trap si mumble rap care probabil  vor caracteriza intregul album.

Airborne este o productie proprie, Mia semnand atat partea de orchestratie, cat si versurile, noi ocupandu-ne de inregistrari, mix si master in studio. Practic, Mia avea deja o idee destul de clara despre sound-ul dorit, noi am ajutat-o sa il transpuna in realitate, ea fiind total implicata pe parcursul productiei – de la momentul in care am stabilit armonia si tempo-ul piesei, pana la ultimele retusuri de mixaj si masterizare.

Intre Mumble Rap si Trap , Mia Gold – muzican sau rapper?

Atunci cand nu sta la pian, schitand idei muzicale, Mia este un textier desavarsit –  a scrie versuri e ca o a doua natura pentru ea, si, de cele mai multe ori, cand incepe sa lucreze la o piesa, nu se ridica de la pian pana cand nu are cel putin o strofa si un refren, pe care ulterior le mai “slefuim” in studio.

Celor care nu sunt tocmai obisnuiti cu “mumble rap”-ul probabil le-ar lua ceva timp sa descifreze versurile (nu e ca si cum noua ne-a fost usor, in studio), asadar, dupa ce ascultati piesa de cateva ori, puteti cauta rezolvarea la sfarsitul culegerii :))

BVLGARI scent, Louie on my belt 

Millionaire net, blew yo brains out then I left

Paint in blood like I’m Monet

Broke ass bi### they in debt

Find a daddy they stay bent 

Hate on me and my ascent 


I started low – small city southside

Depressed like bro – could only see the downside 

Try me young hoe, now that’s a low blow

I’m savagery pro, I got heat on my flow


See b###es I left on a mission was a big ass distance from my no one position 


Tried to oppose my decision til I started gettin riches dont give a fuck on your opinion now yall want to suck me

Off my energy, ambition twas straight intuition that ya’d want recognition for the pain caused I see

Hard times sank me finally got an ignition aint no suspicion I finna get outta here


Airborne, jet gonna take off

Call up on the gang gang they hop on

Racin in a Veyron

And I feel like a photon

But faster, and when I crash ima respawn

AP on my wrist we up til dawn

Racin in a Veyron


R8, Spyder no arachnophobic

Prodigy, DJ play the one and only

Gold bar ruler, travel to the future

Call up on the jeweler, he fetch me iced Hublot

I wanna live the fuck out of my life now that I’m set free

Bi#### I’m boosted like Asphalt infected honestly 

Infrastructure be tougher than you say it seem to be

But ion get why you in my business here hold my sauce while I ride the extreme

Always blamed my bloodstream!! but ain’t no evil in my vein

Forever bad, I see now the price to pay so my time comes to reign

Pain felt inhumane, but I held on to the aim I kept in my pocket

Powered by pain, high voltage 

Now I holla – at my wallet

They still hating never thought I’d be balling

Now Im flying but I useda be crawlin

Rotten core look at me now I’m golden

Aye lil b###es why the frown? My turn to laugh, I’m lolling

And i got BVLGARI scent, got that Louie on my belt (I got it)

Millionaire net, blew yo brains out then I left

Paint in blood like I’m Monet 

Broke ass b###es they in debt 

Find a daddy they stay bent 

Hate on me and my ascent